Can We At Least Mention Some Music Here?
I'm listening to a track off the new Melvins album called "A History of Bad Men" (you can find it here) and I'm really, really enjoying it. And so I thought, in addition to endorsing that track, why not talk about some recent music I've picked up. It's more a way to organize the new acquisitions in my head (and remind myself to listen to stuff if I haven't already).
This past weekend, while down in Wilmington, NC (a road trip with The Drizzle), I stopped by CD Alley and, after spending way too much time going through the racks, picked up Starless and Bible Black Sabbath by Acid Mothers Temple and Katorz by Voivod. I have not listened to either yet.
I also recently picked up Mastodon's latest, Blood Mountain, though, I'm ashamed to say I haven't listened to the whole thing yet. Maybe I'll do that next.
What I have listened to a few times each now are Slayer's most recent (Christ Illusion) and Lamb Of God's newest burner, Sacrament. Both are very good, though I'm liking the Lamb of God just a bit more, if only because of the greatness that is "Blacken The Cursed Sun" (the Allmusic Guide is spot on in that regard). It also sounds a bit more melodic to my ears.
Speaking of melodic metal, Inhuman Rampage by Dragonforce is a ridiculously catchy and shredding disc.
Another album I haven't finished listening to is Masta Killa's Made In Brooklyn. I will say that the track "Iron God Chamber" is an absolute killer and should be dl'ed from whichever music service you use to buy music, if you're that sort.
I just realized I've not listened to much of my haul from my trip to NY. The haul from NYC was (no more links; I'm getting tired): DJ Shadow "Funky Skunk", A-Trak "Oh No You Didn't", and The Rub "It's The Moutherfucking Remix" (from Turntable Lab) and Corrupted "Se Hace Por Los Suenose Asesinos" and Om "Variations On A Theme" (from Other Music). Of those, I've listened to the DJ Shadow a couple of times; ditto the Om disc. The others have gone unspun. Damn, that's sad. Well, at least I know what I'll be getting to next, starting with the Corrupted disc, which is supposed to be some good ol' devastating doom metal par excellence.
I feel like I'm forgetting some other recent purchases, and since I actually have the shelving system updated and everything is in its right place, instead of having new discs piled on top of my stereo speakers, there's no easy way for me to remember what else is new.
But, that's sufficient to break my silence on this here blog. Go and enjoy, if you feel like.
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